Salem Water Users
Make A Payment
We proudly offer a variety of payment options for your convenience.
Simply choose the option that best suits your needs.
1. Doxo - Online Bill Pay
New Payment Options!
- Pay with your credit or debit card
- Pay via your bank account/bank transfer (No transaction fee)
- Pay over the phone 501-939-4310 (Available 24/7)
- Pay on your phone through the doxo mobile app
If you need help with these payment options please call doxo: (206) 319-0086
2. SOFTtel - Online Bill Pay
Our original online payment option is available for all of our customers who do not wish to pay with Doxo.
Salem Code: 7201511
3. Set Up Auto-Draft (Automated Bank Draft)
Never forget to make a payment again! With this service, the amount of your monthly bill is automatically deducted from your bank account and credited to your utility account.
There is no set-up fee or charge associated with this method of payment.
To Set Up Automated Bank Draft:
- Simply download, print and complete the ACH form (below).
- Then drop it off at our office or mail it to our office, along with a voided check.
4. Pay In-Person, Drive-Thru, or Drop-Off Payment
We accept cash, check, or money order.
Salem Water Users PWA
620 Airlane Drive
Benton, AR 72015
– To avoid longer wait times, please note that Mondays, Fridays, and the first day after a holiday are normally very busy.
– If you drop off payment outside of our normal business hours, please make sure the bottom of your bill/invoice is attached along with your check, money order, or exact cash amount.
5. Pay by Mail
Simply mail the bottom portion of your bill/invoice along with your check or money order to:
Salem Water Users PWA
620 Airlane Drive
Benton, AR 72015
– To avoid late fees, please mail your payment at least five to seven business days before the due date specified on your bill.
Unsure if your account is Under Salem or Southwest?
Please review your bill (or invoice), the correct business is labeled on the top of the front page.
You may also call our office to confirm at (501) 776-2212